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Index of Queryable Environmental and Health Measures

"Queryable Measures" provides access to public datasets with user-defined criteria that do not contain sensitive personal identifiable data values. The resultant analysis provides flexibility and exactness but have limited contextual information when compared to an indicator report.

Temperature Maximums, Minimums and Threshold Days


Community Water Systems Summary

New Mexican's Community Water Systems

  • Community/Public Water Sytems MeasurementPeople ServedSystems
    Population Served by Community Water Systems -- AnnualResultsBuild
    Community Water Systems -- AnnualResultsBuild

Community Water System's Criteria Analyte Contaminant Concentrations

Analytes in Community Water Systems

Acute Myocardial Infarction/Heart Attacks

  • Birth Defects View ResultsBuild and View
    12 Birth Defects Tracked in New Mexico - Crude Rates per 10,000 Live BirthResultsBuild
    Anencephaly - Crude Rates per 10,000 Live BirthsResultsBuild
    Cleft Lip without Cleft Palate - Crude Rates per 10,000 Live BirthsResultsBuild
    Cleft Lip with Cleft Palate - Crude Rates per 10,000 Live BirthsResultsBuild
    Cleft Palate without Cleft Lip - Crude Rates per 10,000 Live BirthsResultsBuild
    Gastroschisis - Crude Rates per 10,000 Live BirthsResultsBuild
    Hypoplastic Left Heart Syndrome - Crude Rates per 10,000 Live BirthsResultsBuild
    Hypospadias - Crude Rates per 10,000 Live BirthsResultsBuild
    Hypospadias (Males Only) - Crude Rates per 10,000 Live BirthsResultsBuild
    Limb Deficiencies - Crude Rates per 10,000 Live BirthsResultsBuild
    Spina Bifida (without Anencephaly) - Crude Rates per 10,000 Live BirthsResultsBuild
    Tetralogy of Fallot - Crude Rates per 10,000 Live BirthsResultsBuild
    Transposition of the Great Arteries (Vessels) - Crude Rates per 10,000 Live BirthsResultsBuild
    Trisomy 21 (Down Syndrome) - Crude Rates per 10,000 Live BirthsResultsBuild
    Trisomy 21 (Down Syndrome) Among Mothers Under Age 35 - Crude Rates per 10,000 Live BirthsResultsBuild
    Trisomy 21 (Down Syndrome) Among Mothers Age 35 and Over - Crude Rates per 10,000 Live BirthsResultsBuild

Asthma, Primary Diagnosis

Chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD)

  • Cancer View ResultsBuild and View
    Bladder Cancer Age-adjusted Rates per 100,000 Population Over 5 YearsResultsBuild
    Brain and Spinal Cord Cancer - Age-adjusted Incidence Rates per 100,000 Population Over 5 YearsResultsBuild
    Brain and Central Nervous System Cancer in Children Less than 15 Years of Age per 1,000,000 Population Over 5 YearsResultsBuild
    Brain and Central Nervous System Cancer in Children Less than 20 Years of Age per 1,000,000 Population Over 5 YearsResultsBuild
    Breast Cancer in Females Age-adjusted Rates per 100,000 Population Over 5 YearsResultsBuild
    Breast Cancer in Females Age-adjusted Rates Less than 50 Years of Age per 100,000 Population Over 5 YearsResultsBuild
    Breast Cancer in Females Less Age 50 and Older Age-adjusted Rates per 100,000 Population Over 5 YearsResultsBuild
    Esophageal Cancer Age-adjusted Rates per 100,000 Population Over 5 YearsResultsBuild
    Kidney and Renal Cancer Age-adjusted Rates per 100,000 Population Over 5 YearsResultsBuild
    Laryngeal Cancer Age-adjusted Rates per 100,000 Population Over 5 YearsResultsBuild
    Leukemia Cancer Age-adjusted per 100,000 Population Over 5 YearsResultsBuild
    Leukemia Cancer in Children Less than 15 Years of Age Age-adjusted Rate per 100,000 Population Over 5 YearsResultsBuild
    Leukemia Cancer in Children Less than 20 Years of Age Age-adjusted Rate per 100,000 Population Over 5 YearsResultsBuild
    Acute Myeloid Leukemia per Age-adjusted 100,000 Population Over 5 YearsResultsBuild
    Acute Myeloid Leukemia in Children Less than 15 Years of Age Age-adjusted Rate per 100,000 Population Over 5 YearsResultsBuild
    Acute Myeloid Leukemia in Children Less than 20 Years of Age Age-adjusted Rate per 100,000 Population Over 5 YearsResultsBuild
    Acute Lymphocytic Leukemia in Children Less than 15 Years of Age Age-adjusted per 100,000 Population Over 5 YearsResultsBuild
    Acute Lymphocytic Leukemia in Children Less than 20 Years of Age Age-adjusted Rate per 100,000 Population Over 5 YearsResultsBuild
    Chronic Lymphocytic Leukemia Age-adjusted per 100,000 Population Over 5 YearsResultsBuild
    Liver and Intrahepatic Bile Duct Cancer Age-adjusted per 100,000 Population Over 5 YearsResultsBuild
    Lung and Bronchus Cancer Age-adjusted per 100,000 Population Over 5 YearsResultsBuild
    Melanoma of the Skin Cancer Age-adjusted per 100,000 Population Over 5 YearsResultsBuild
    Mesothelioma Cancer Age-adjusted per 100,000 Population Over 5 YearsResultsBuild
    Non-Hodgkin's LymphomaCancer Age-adjusted per 100,000 Population Over 5 YearsResultsBuild
    Oral and Pharynx Cancer Age-adjusted per 100,000 Population Over 5 YearsResultsBuild
    Pancreatic Cancer Age-adjusted per 100,000 Population Over 5 YearsResultsBuild
    Thyroid Cancer Age-adjusted per 100,000 Population Over 5 YearsResultsBuild

Cold Related Illness, Any, Primary or Secondary Diagnosis

Heat Stress/Heat Related Illness, Any, Primary or Secondary Diagnosis

Carbon Monoxide Poisonings

Childhood Lead Poisoning

  • Childhood Lead Poisoning Tests PercentagePercentage
    Children Tested Before Age 6 - Annual Percent and CountsResultsBuild
    Children Tested Before Age 6 with Blood Lead Levels between 5 and 10 mcg/dL - Annual Counts and PercentsResultsBuild
    Children Tested Before Age 6 with Blood Lead Levels 10 mcg/dL or More - Annual Counts and PercentsResultsBuild
    Childhood Lead Poisoning Risk Factors View ResultsBuild and View
    Homes Built Before 1950 - Annual Counts and PercentsResultsBuild
    Homes Built Before 1980 - Annual Counts and PercentsResultsBuild
    Children Under Age 5 Living in Poverty - Annual Counts and PercentsResultsBuild

Birth Outcomes and Infant Mortality

  • Births View ResultsBuild and View
    Total Fertility - Rates per 1,000 Women of Reproductive AgeResultsBuild
    Male to Female Sex Ratio at BirthResultsBuild
    Birth Outcomes and Infant Mortality View ResultsBuild and View
    Low Birthweight (Less than 2500 Grams) - Counts and PercentsResultsBuild
    Very Low Birthweight (Less than 1500 Grams) - Counts and PercentsResultsBuild
    Preterm (Less than 37 Weeks Gestation) - Counts and PercentsResultsBuild
    Very Preterm (Less than 32 Weeks Gestation) - Counts and PercentsResultsBuild
    Infant Mortality by County and Health Region View ResultsBuild and View
    Infant Mortality - Counts and Rates per 1,000 Live BirthsResultsBuild
    Perinatal Mortality - Counts and Rates per 1,000 Live Births + Fetal DeathsResultsBuild
    Neonatal Mortality - Counts and Rates per 1,000 Live BirthsResultsBuild
    Postneonatal Mortality - Counts and Rates per 1,000 Live BirthsResultsBuild
    Infant Mortality by New Mexico Small Area View ResultsBuild and View
    Infant Mortality - Counts and Rates per 1,000 Live BirthsResultsBuild
    Neonatal Mortality - Counts and Rates per 1,000 Live BirthsResultsBuild
    Postneonatal Mortality - Counts and Rates per 1,000 Live BirthsResultsBuild