How to Use NMTracking.org and Resources from NM EPHT
New Mexico Environmental Public Health Tracking
At New Mexico Environmental Public Health Tracking, we strive to elevate the important role environmental public health plays in our lives. Our program, also called NM EPHT and NM Tracking, is an outlet for environmental health communication -both epidemiological and educational.
Environmental public health tracking (EPHT) is the public health method that investigates possible associations between environmental exposure and resulting health effects. This helps us better understand how the environment affects human health.
How you can use this information for in your work and services
Health programs and community-based programs are on the front lines of public health work. Such agencies help develop and advance programs and policies that prevent illness, promote healthy living, and prepare communities for public health emergencies, such as disease outbreaks and natural disasters. At NMTracking.org, the public health workforce can access data and accompanying practical health information to help foster understanding of the health of a community and identify potential environmental hazards that affect public health and need attention
Common ways health and community-based programs have used resources from NM EPHT include:
- Inform public health policy
- Review standardized data
- Identify patterns in health problems or environmental concerns
- Generate hypotheses about how the environment can affect health
- Access local data that may not be collected by their departments
- Study health outcomes using hazards data
- Conduct education and outreach
- Implement and evaluate public health activities
- Facilitate research and environmental health investigations
- Access practical health information and resources to educate and empower their service populations
Types of data and health information and where to find it
We provide data and practical health information throughout the site. The data is available in three formats: Data Query format, Indicator Reports, and Analyzed Display such as charts maps for some topics. The practical information is available for environment topics and health outcomes topics and often include downloadable resources and guides.
Data Query (Data Explorer)
Query datasets are available for users who want to work directly with a dataset. Users define their custom query settings from a list of options and the website produces the data according to the definitions the user selected. This includes a mapping function. Custom queries allow users to work directly with datasets. A query provides search parameters that the user must fill in. After the search parameters are entered, click Submit and the system will provide the requested data. A list of the available public datasets is located on the Public Query Dataset Index under the "Data Portal" tab.
Indicator Reports
An indicator is a fact or trend that indicates the level or condition of something. Indicator reports are designed to answer the question "How are we doing?" for a selected health outcome or environmental exposure. These provide a snapshot and are often a starting point for many who are beginning to get acquainted with the environmental health subject. You can access indicator reports by going to the Indicator Report Index under the "Data Portal" tab.
Analyzed Data
Data is also available in static map and chart data display for some areas, such as private wells. These are housed in the Health tab and Environmental tab for topics such as private wells and common constituents associated with drinking water quality, such as metals. You can access static data the "Environment" tab.
Health Information and Practical Health Tips
The health information we provide on our webpage is for multiple audiences and uses. The information ranges from general background information about a health or environmental exposure topic to what you can do to protect yourself and minimize exposure. For some areas we provide guides for community leaders and public health practitioners. We also provide downloadable factsheets that you may share with your communities, partners, or patients. You can access this information by selecting the "Environment" tab; "Health" tab; or "Newsroom" tab.
Learning opportunities and resources
Videos, Webinars, and Podcasts
- A three-part webinar series on the contributions of Environmental Public Health Tracking data to local and state public health programs. http://archived.naccho.org/topics/environmental/EPHT/index.cfm
- Short videos that take a look at how tracking programs across the country are making important, lasting contributions to the health of their communities. https://ephtracking.cdc.gov/showTrackingInAction.action
- Listen to Tracks, a podcast series focused on environmental public health tracking. https://ephtracking.cdc.gov/showPodcasts.action
- The CDC Tracking program contributes a column on Tracking Network and Program activities in the Journal of Environmental Health published by the National Environmental Health Association. http://www.neha.org/publications/journal-environmental-health
- A position paper on Environmental Public Health Tracking:http://www.neha.org/node/326